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Shadow • 2 years ago

King abandoned mc then is angry at mc for withholding shield. What a dickšŸ¤¬

Jovalentin Borincano • 2 years ago

He is going to regret it soon, after the fight he will find out that lost a good opportunity to have a good relation with him and his family, getting better benefits in the future.

RentNoGirlfriend • 2 years ago

I sort of have the feeling qin chen should have set up the formation earlier, while the patriarch was dealing with the dozens of people protecting him.

Talos darkbane • 2 years ago

Looks like we have about 2 more episodes maybe 3 before we see the powerhouse that saves him . It will be funny to see the reactions in forums of who it is for those who have not read the novel.

zanetano • 2 years ago

So i'm guessing it's not the grandpa that just came back to the city?

Talos darkbane • 2 years ago

well he does help but you are correct in guessing it is not the grandfather. I will say you will be completely surprised on who it is ;)

zanetano • 2 years ago

Returning from a few episodes forward: You go mama! And You were right. Quite shocking :)

Cipher • 1 year ago

I don't read novel only manhua so I still remember it quite clearly.

RohanOf ElvenPower • 2 years ago

best ep so faaar! badass
also graphics look like metin2 !

Thefreeman • 2 years ago

next ep